Research & Dissemination

Álvarez, C., Fernández, J., Reese, D. D., & Negrín, A. (2014).
Selene: Un videojuego astronómico educativo.
AstronomíA, 175, 38-43.
Bendito, P., & Reese, D. D. (2004). Meaning in motion: Conceptual metaphor as a motion graphic design communications tool. In R. E. Griffin, J. Lee, & S. Chandler (Eds.),
Changing Tides: Selected Readings of the International Visual Literacy Association (pp. 63-68). Newport, RI: International Visual Literacy Association.
Carter, B., Wilbanks, L., & Reese, D. D. (2009). Enhancing science education through instructional games that prepare students for knowledge acquisition. In I. W. Gibson, R. Weber, K. McFerrin, R. Carlsen, & D. A. Willis (Eds.),
Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2009 (pp. 1410-1417). AACE: Chesapeake, VA.
Casto, P. M., & Reese, D. D. (2010, February).
Afterschool Universe and Telescopes. Workshop presented at the NASA IV&V Educator Resource Center (ERC), Fairmont State, Fairmont, WV.
Conaway, S., Phillips, M., Carter, B., Hitt, B., & Reese, D. D. (2008, March 14).
Selene: Learning the past with today's technologies. Talk presented at the Fifth Annual Mid-Atlantic Undergraduate Research Conference, West Virginia Wesleyan College, Buckhannon.
Diehl, V. A., & Reese, D. D. (2009, October 23).
Preparing students to learn intractable science concepts with game-based metaphor enhanced instructional design. Talk presented at the 4th Annual Faculty Research Symposium, Western Illinois University, Macomb.
Diehl, V. A., & Reese, D. D. (2010). Elaborated metaphors support viable inferences about difficult science concepts.
Educational Psychology, 30(7), 771-791. doi: 10.1080/01443410.2010.504996
Diehl, V. A., Reese, D. D., Crull, M. J., & Joos, L. (2007, May).
Elaborated metaphors for enhancing chemistry learning. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, DC.
Diehl, V. A., Vaught, A. L., Bleuer, J., & Reese, D. D. (2008, May).
Elaboration leads to more effective metaphor use in chemistry learning. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago.
Hitt, B. A., & Reese, D. D. (2012, April). Knowledge discovery from
Selene data. In E. Wiebe (Chair),
New measurement paradigms: Psychometric methods for technology-based assessments: Structured poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, BC.
Ifenthaler, D., Eseryel, D., Ge, X., Ke, F., Warren, S., Loh, C. S., . . . Reese, D. D. (2012, November).
Assessment in game-based learning (panel). Panel presented at the annual international convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Louisville, KY.
Langhoff, S., Cowan-Sharp, J., Dodson, E., Damer, B., Ketner, B., & Reese, D. D. (2009).
Workshop report: Virtual worlds and immersive environments. (NASA/CP–2009-214598). Moffett Field, CA: NASA Ames Research Center. Retrieved from, C. S., Reese, D. D., & Warren, S. (2008).
Instructional design, evaluation, and assessment standards in serious games. Talk presented at the 2008 International Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Orlando, FL.
Reese, D. D. (2003).
Metaphor and content: An embodied paradigm for learning. Ph.D. Dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA. Retrieved from, D. D. (2003). Trees of knowledge: Changing mental models through metaphorical episodes and concept maps. In R. E. Griffin, V. S. Williams, & J. Lee (Eds.),
Turning trees: Selected readings (pp. 205-214): International Visual Literacy Association.
Reese, D. D. (2005, October).
The analogical designs model. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Orlando, FL.
Reese, D. D. (2005, July).
Developing sound metaphors for science education. Poster presented at the Gordon Research Conference: Visualization in Science Education, Oxford, England.
Reese, D. D. (2005, October).
Engineering instructional metaphors: A task of graphic isomorphism. Paper presented at the International Visual Literacy Association, Orlando, FL.
Reese, D. D. (2006).
Foundations of serious games design and assessment. (COTF/LVP/Sep-2006). Wheeling, WV: Center for Educational Technologies, Wheeling Jesuit University.
Reese, D. D. (2007, March). Designing
Selene: Theory-based game design and data-mining. Presentation at the
Serious Games Summit. Retrieved from, D. D. (2007, April).
Designing the metaphor-enhanced virtual world: Games as Preparation for future learning. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago.
Reese, D. D. (2007). First steps and beyond: Serious games as preparation for future learning.
Journal of Educational Media and Hypermedia, 16(3), 283-300.
Reese, D. D. (2007, June 13).
Games as preparation for future learning, NASA Langley Explorer Schools Technology Immersion Workshop.
Reese, D. D. (2007, April).
Increasing Flow during middle school science with the e-Mission live simulation and the DiSC argumentation tool. Roundtable presented at the American Educational Research Association, Chicago.
Reese, D. D. (2007, April).
Selene. Workshop session conducted at the Game-based Learning Workshop: Technology-Based Tools for Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century, Suffolk, VA.
Reese, D. D. (2007, October).
Selenology exploration–ludic environments–networked education (SELENE). Showcase presenter at the 2007 International Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Design and Development Showcase, Anaheim, CA. [showcase selection through review panel of judges]
Reese, D. D. (2008, July 10).
CyGaMEs for learning and assessing conceptual knowledge: The how-to primer. Worked example presented at Games+Learning+Society 4.0, Madison, WI.
Reese, D. D. (2008). Engineering instructional metaphors within virtual environments to enhance visualization. In J. K. Gilbert, M. Nakhleh, & M. Reiner (Eds.),
Visualization: Theory and practice in science education (pp. 133-153). New York: Springer.
Reese, D. D. (2008, November 6-9).
Flowometer: Embedded measurement of learners’ flow perceptions within game-based instructional environments. Paper presented at the 2008 International Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Orlando, FL.
Reese, D. D. (2008). GaME design for intuitive concept knowledge. In R. E. Ferdig (Ed.),
Handbook of research on effective electronic gaming in education (Vol. 3, pp. 1104-1126). Hershey, PA: Idea Group.
Reese, D. D. (2008).
[__________]: The greatest shows on Earth. Featured keynote (distinguished visitor) presented at the 1st International Meeting on Evaluation for Mid-Higher Level Education and College Level Education, Veracruz, MX.
Reese, D. D. (2009, August).
CyGaMEs: Effective game design for successful learning and assessment. Paper presented at the Interactive Technologies 2009 Washington SALT
® Conference, Arlington, VA.
Reese, D. D. (November, 2009).
Selene: A Lunar Construction GaME. Invited exhibitor at the National Science Foundation's Senate Education Technology Showcase, Washington, DC.
Reese, D. D. (2009, October).
Replication supports flowometer: Advancing cyberlearning through game-based assessment technologies. Paper presented at the 2009 International Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Louisville, KY.
Reese, D. D. (2009, June).
Selene. Workshop presented at the NASA Aerospace Education Services Project Annual Sandbox Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD.
Reese, D. D. (2009, February 10).
Selene: A Lunar Construction GaME (Invited Talk). Talk presented at the IBM Serious Games Day, Raleigh, NC.
Reese, D. D. (2009). Structure mapping theory as a formalism for instructional game design and assessment. In B. Kokinov, K. Holyoak, & D. Gentner (Eds.),
New frontiers in analogy research: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Analogy (Analogy '09) (pp. 394-403). Sofia, Bulgaria: New Bulgarian University Press. Available at, D. D. (2010). CyGaMEs Timed Report: Embedded tool for evaluation and assessment. Poster presented at the
National Science Foundation REESE Program Principal Investigator’s Meeting, from 2010.pdfReese, D. D. (2010, July).
CyGaMEs: A full-service instructional design model harnessing game-based technologies for learning and assessment. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology 2010 Summer Research Symposium, Bloomington, IA.
Reese, D. D. (2010). Introducing Flowometer: A CyGaMEs assessment suite tool. In R. V. Eck (Ed.),
Gaming & cognition: Theories and perspectives from the learning sciences (pp. 227-254). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Reese, D. D. (2010). Learning new things through gaming & virtual worlds. Workshop (webinar) presented at the NASA Aerospace Education Services Project Annual Meeting, Penn State University, State College, PA.
Reese, D. D. (2010, June).
Learning new things through gaming: One company's journey toward CyGaMEs expertise. Worked example presented at the Games, Learning, and Society 2010, Madison, WI.
Reese, D. D. (2011).
Cyberlearning through game-based, metaphor enhanced learning objects (CyGaMEs). In G. Fulmer (Chair), Innovative approaches to assessment in STEM education. Talk presented at the 2011 REESE Principal Investigators Meeting, Arlington, VA.
Reese, D. D. (2011, February).
Learning new things through gaming & virtual worlds, NASA Educator Resource Center annual meeting, Webinar.
Reese, D. D. (2011, December). MoonGazers: CyGaMEs Selene, MoonWorld, and MoonGazers II.
Retrieved from, D. D. (2011, November). MoonGazers: CyGaMEs Selene, MoonWorld, and MoonGazers I.
Professional development webinar retrieved from, D. D. (2011, October).
CyGaMEs Selene,
and MoonWorld. Professional development presented at the Internet 2 K-20 Member Meeting, webinar.
Reese, D. D. (2011, October).
MoonGazers, CyGaMEs Selene,
and MoonWorld
I. Professional development webinar retrieved from, D. D. (2011, September).
MoonGazers, CyGaMEs Selene,
and MoonWorld
II. Professional development webinar retrieved from, D. D. (2012, August).
Bringing videogaming to our classrooms: Selene
, MoonGazers hands-on activities, and big data. Workshop presented at the annual conference of the Challenger Center for Space Science Education, Chattanooga, TN.
Reese, D. D. (2012). CyGaMEs: A full-service instructional design model harnessing game-based technologies for learning and assessment. In L. Moller, & J. B. Huett (Eds.),
The next generation of distance education: Unconstrained learning (pp. 157-170). New York: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-1785-9_10
Available at Reese, D. D. (2012). An instructional design approach to effective instructional game design and assessment. In M. Orey, S. A. Jones, & R. M. Branch (Eds.),
2011 Educational media and technology yearbook (Vol. 36, pp. 127-138). New York: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-1305-9_11
Available:, D. D. (2012, November).
Mapping pragmatics and structure: CyGaMEs approach to instructional games with embedded assessment. Invited talk presented at the UCLA Center for Advanced Technology in Schools (CATS) Seminar, Los Angeles, CA.
Reese, D. D. (2012, September). Selene
, MoonGazers Hands-On Activities, and Big Data. Workshop webinar presented at Stars at Yerkes Teacher Professional Development, Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, WI.
Reese, D. D. (2012).
Selene: A Lunar Construction GaME: A CyGaMEs learning environment. In M. Timms (Ed.),
New measurement paradigms (pp. 13-14). Boston, MA: Retrieved from CADRE (Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education) Education Development Center website, D. D. (2012, April). Knowledge specification: A priori requirement for effective embedded assessment. In E. Wiebe (Chair),
New measurement paradigms: Psychometric methods for technology-based assessments: Structured poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, BC.
Reese, D. D. (2013, February).
Cyberlearning technologies for STEM achievement - In Spanish! Turn your students into MoonGazers. Featured presenter at the 42 annual conference of the National Association for Bilingual, Education, Orlando, FL.
Reese, D. D. (2013, February).
Cyberlearning technologies for STEM achievement - In Spanish! Turn your students into MoonGazers. Concurrent session presented at the 42 Annual Conference of the National Association for Bilingual Education Orlando, FL.
Reese, D. D. (2013, March).
CyGaMEs for Technology Supported Assessment. Guest lecturer for doctoral course Ed 645: Technology Supported Assessment, Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, PA.
Reese, D. D. (2013, March).
CyGaMEs: Instructional video game design and embedded assessment. Guest lecturer for doctoral course 545: Instructional Simulations and Games, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND.
Reese, D. D. (2013).
Inventing the future: Achievement and personalization through instructional videogames. Highlighted Presentation: Inventors in our Midst Series. Silver Spring Mini Makers Faire, Silver Spring, MD., D. D. (2014). Digital knowledge maps: The foundation for learning analytics through instructional games. In D. Ifenthaler, & R. Hanewald (Eds.),
Digital knowledge maps in education: Technology-enhanced support for teachers and learners (pp. 299-327). New York: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-3178-7_16
Available:, D. D. (in press). Embodied learning systems. In J. M. Spector, T. Johnson, D. Ifenthaler, W. Savenye, & M. Wang (Eds.),
SAGE encyclopedia of educational technology. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
Reese, D. D., & Bendito, P. (2003). Enhancing e-solution animations through conceptual metaphor.
Journal of Visual Literacy, 23(2), 163-176.
Reese, D. D., & Coffield, J. (2005). Just-in-time conceptual scaffolding: Engineering sound instructional metaphors.
International Journal of Technology, Knowledge, and Society, 1(4), 183-198.
Reese, D. D., Diehl, V. A., & Lurquin, J. L. (2009, May).
Metaphor enhanced instructional video game causes conceptual gains in lunar science knowledge. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Reese, D. D., & Gobert, J. (2012). Knowledge specification: A priori requirement for effective embedded assessment. In M. Timms, D. H. Clements, J. Gobert, D. J. Ketelhut, J. C. Lester, D. D. Reese, & E. Wiebe (Eds.),
New measurement paradigms (pp. 18-32). Boston, MA: Retrieved from CADRE (Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education) Education Development Center website Report 041412_0.pdfReese, D. D., & Harrison, A. (2009, October). Selene
and MoonWorld. Exhibitor at the Third Annual MODSIM World Conference and Expo, Virginia Beach, VA.
Reese, D. D., & Hitt, B. A. (2009, June). Selene
knowledge discovery: The interface effect. Poster presented at Games+Learning+Society 5.0, Madison, WI.
Reese, D. D., Kosko, Robert E., Wood, Charles A., Lightfritz, C., Tabachnick, B., Magers, R., Moore, D., Petrole, Matthew, & Nowak, S. (2012).
CyGaMEs Selene II: A Lunar Construction GaME. NSF Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge, winner – tie honorable mention, highest recognition awarded in game and apps.
Reese, D. D., & Moore, D. (2013, February).
Expo: CyGaMEs Selene. Exhibitor the 42 Annual Conference of the National Association for Bilingual, Education, Orlando, FL.
Reese, D. D., Seward, R. J., Harrison, A., McFarland, L., Hitt, B., & Tabachnick, B. G. (2011, April).
Game-based embedded assessment measures learning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Reese, D. D., Seward, R. J., Tabachnick, B. G., Hitt, B., Harrison, A., & McFarland, L. (2012). Timed Report measures learning: Game-based embedded assessment. In D. Ifenthaler, D. Eseryel, & X. Ge (Eds.),
Assessment in game-based learning: Foundations, innovations, and perspectives (pp. 145-172). New York: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-3546-4_9
Reese, D. D., Shiplett, T., & Wood, C. A. (2011).
STEM Education Camp: MoonGazers, Selene,
and MoonWorld. Workshop. Wheeling Jesuit University. Wheeling, WV.
Reese, D. D., & Tabachnick, B. G. (2010). The moment of learning: Quantitative analysis of exemplar gameplay supports CyGaMEs approach to embedded assessment. In J. Earle (Ed.),
Building a knowledge base to inform educational practice in STEM: Examples from the REESE portfolio (pp. 12-25). Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness 2010 Annual Research Conference, Washington, DC. Structured abstract retrieved from
Reese, D. D., Tabachnick, B. G., & Kosko, R. E. (2014). Video game learning dynamics: Actionable measures of multidimensional learning trajectories.
British Journal of Educational Technology. Advance online publication doi:10.1111/bjet.12128
Reese, D. D., & Wood, C. A. (2010, March).
Learning lunar science through the Selene
videogame. Poster presented at the Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference, Woodlands, TX. Abstracts:, D. D., & Wood, C. A. (2011, July 25). Selene, MoonWorld,
and MoonGazers. Talk (webinar) presented at ModSim, Hampton, VA.
Reese, D. D., Wood, C. A., Bogost, I., Harrison, A., McFarland, L., Gilbert, M., . . . Oliverio, J. (2007).
Selene. NSF Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge, semi-finalist honors.
Reese, D. D., Wood, C. A., Carter, B., & McFarland, L. (2009, February 11). Selene
: Research, design, evaluation. Invited talk presented at the Seminar, Pausch Studio, Entertainment Technology Center, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
Reese, D. D., Wood, C. A., Hitt, B., & Carter, B. (2010, June 6). CyGaMEs Timed Report: Embedded tool for evaluation and assessment. Poster presented at the REESE principal investigator's meeting. Retrieved from 2010_smFinal.pdfReese, D. D., Wood, C. A., Hitt, B., Harrison, A., McFarland, L., Seward, R. J., . . . Hernandez-Gantes, V. (2011, July 12).
CyGaMEs Selene: A Lunar Construction GaME. Poster session presented at the Gordon Research Conference on Visualization in Science Education, Smithfield, RI.
Reese, D. D., Yelenic, J., & Neuenschwander, J. (2010, October).
To the Moon through virtual worlds and game-based learning. Talk presented at the West Virginia Science Teachers Association, Wheeling, WV.
Timms, M., Clements, D. H., Gobert, J., Ketelhut, D. J., Lester, J. C., Reese, D. D., & Wiebe, E. (2012).
New measurement paradigms. Boston: Retrieved April 18, 2012, from CADRE (Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education), Education Development Center website: Report.pdf (includes Reese & Gobert section cited above).
Wood, C. A., & Reese, D. D. (2007).
Selene: A videogame for learning about the Moon.
EPO and a changing world: Creating linkages and expanding partnerships: The 119th annual ASP meeting, CS 389, 109-110. Retrieved from, C. A., & Reese, D. D.(2008).
Selene: A videogame for learning about the Moon. In C. Garmany, M. G. Gibbs, & J. W. Moody (Eds.),
EPO and a Changing World: Creating Linkages and Expanding Partnerships (Vol. 389, pp. 109-110).