Presented By CyGames

Reach for the Moon Through New Wheeling Jesuit Opportunity

Dated Posted: 5/16/2011

Welcome, Alumni!

You've helped Wheeling Jesuit University in many ways over the years. This time we'd like to give something back to you!

The folks at the Center for Educational Technologies on campus have spent the last few years creating an award-winning educational videogame that teaches both kids and adults about our Moon and how it formed. Selene: A Lunar Construction GaME is helping us study how to design instructional games and how to measure players' learning and emotional states.

How many times can you offer the young people in your life—your kids or those of family, friends, neighbors, or even those at a local school or in your community—the chance to participate in an authentic National Science Foundation project that will one day lead to better educational achievement? Even better, it's FREE! And you're the person who can make it happen!

Selene was recognized in 2010 by Disney Research as one of 15 learning widgets worldwide that best harness the potential of digital technologies and children's creativity to advance learning. Selene players blast away at what will quickly become a full-fledged moon like our own, all the while learning from Dr. Chuck Wood, director of the Center for Educational Technologies and one of the world's foremost authorities on the Moon's geology. The Selene research positions the university as a leader in a groundbreaking and cutting-edge national research agenda.

Recruiting players is easy and will take only a few minutes of your time to involve those young people in this exciting game. Of course, WJU must follow federal regulations protecting the rights of youth involved in research, so the brief 15-minute orientation we need to conduct via phone will give you all the info you need to proceed. Please e-mail to schedule a session. Include the following:

  • Your name
  • Your phone number
  • Your time zone
  • The days/times you are available for a 15-minute recruiter orientation
For more information about Selene, explore this website. Highlights that might interest you:
  • Watch West Virginia Pubic Broadcasting's Selene feature on YouTube.
  • Read about Selene recruiters.
  • Review Selene awards and recognition.
  • Watch young players talk about Selene.
  • Watch fifth- and seventh-graders play Selene.
  • Watch NASA Education EdLine News Feature.

We look forward to your role in this exciting educational opportunity.
Selene makes learning intuitive.