Opportunity 3. MoonGazer Professional Development: Pre- and In-service
Dated Posted: 3/23/2011
The Center for Educational Technologies provides free MoonGazers professional development training in
Selene and
MoonWorld content and classroom integration. Availability is first come, first served with revolving door registration. We’ll help you engage your students with science by using the Moon as their outdoor laboratory.
We’ll teach you lunar geology content, how to successfully interact with the virtual world, and how to evaluate and integrate videogames. You’ll learn an easy and correct way to introduce and practice the phases of the Moon; how students use the Moon Gazers’ Wheel to build concrete, embodied understanding of the Moon’s phases; and much, much more. Training is offered online through webinars and during face-to-face sessions at the Center for Educational Technologies at Wheeling Jesuit University in Wheeling, WV.
Adults: Playing and Mentaring
Play MoonWorld
Adults can register individually or in teams up to four members to visit the environment within the Second Life virtual world and complete a mission. Visit
MoonWorld to create an avatar or schedule a mission reservation. Existing Second Life residents can log into Second Life (
MoonWorld) in-world to reserve a mission or start a mission immediately if the sim is not in use. (Important note: Check the
MoonWorld website to make sure you have installed and are using the viewer recommended for
MoonWorld; otherwise, shared media may not function properly.
Become a MoonWorld Mentar
Adults can volunteer to recruit or mentar youth players. Mentars are
MoonWorld avatar mentors. The Center for Educational Technologies provides online, in-world
classes and MoonWorld certification. Approved and certified adults may volunteer to lead youth missions. Contact moonworld@cet.edu for more information.