Presented By CyGames

Videogame Research to Be Featured at Bulgarian Conference

Dated Posted: Tue Jun 16 2009

The approach used to design videogames and embedded assessment to study how students can best learn NASA science through instructional videogames will be the subject of a presentation by a Center for Educational Technologies researcher at the Analogy '09 conference in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The three conference organizers are world-eminent analogy scholars who describe Analogy '09 as "the analogy event of the decade." This 2nd International Analogy Conference is a successor to the July 1998 conference in Sofia that resulted in The Analogical Mind, edited by Gentner, Holyoak, & Kokinov (MIT Press, 2001). Analogy '09 will discuss the key ideas in the field and analyze the progress over the past decade.

Dr. Debbie Denise Reese, senior educational researcher at the Center for Educational Technologies® and principal investigator on the CyGaMEs project, will discuss the application of Gentner's structure mapping theory of analogical reasoning in instructional game design at the conference July 24-27. CyGAMEs carries out research that first began with the NASA-funded Selene project. Selene is the videogame created as part of the gaming research. CyGAMEs is funded by the National Science Foundation.