NASA Hears Selene Presentation
Dated Posted: Mon Jun 15 2009
Participants in the NASA Education Sandbox 2009 learned about the Selene videogame, assessment, and curricular unit during the conference June 2-4 at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD.
Dr. Debbie Denise Reese, senior educational researcher at the Center for Educational Technologies® and principal investigator on the CyGaMEs project, discussed Selene during a session held as part of the Aerospace Education Services Project of NASA. The CyGaMEs project is funded by the National Science Foundation to carry out research into videogame learning, design, and assessment that first began with a NASA-funded project that created the Selene videogame.
Reese introduced the CyGaMEs Selene curriculum for lunar science field work that integrates game-based learning and assessment with lunar observations. Components include investigation question, Selene game as knowledge builder and interest motivator, and activities concerning phases of the Moon, logging observations, locating features of the Moon, and stratigraphy.
Reese also discussed research findings so far and updated participants on upcoming enhancements to the game.