CyGaMEs to Highlight SALT Conference
Dated Posted: Wed May 20 2009
A presentation on the design first used to study how NASA science could best be taught through videogames has been accepted for the Society for Applied Learning Technology
conference to be held Aug. 19-21 in Arlington, VA.
Dr. Debbie Denise, senior educational researcher at the Center for Educational Technologies and principal investigator on the CyGaMEs project, will present "CyGaMEs: Effective Game Design for Successful Learning and Assessment." The CyGaMEs project is funded by the National Science Foundation to carry out research into videogame learning, design, and assessment that first began with the NASA-funded
Selene project.
According to Reese's abstract for the conference, "CyGaMEs is a research-based approach to videogame design and assessment to ensure alignment between targeted learning, game, and assessment. CyGaMEs translates abstract concepts into procedural gameplay. CyGaMEs turns something experts think into something novices do. A CyGaME is a readiness tool: the successful CyGaME player is prepared to learn. This session will introduce the approach, the embedded and external assessment toolset, research paradigm, and findings to date."